Meet the Ryans - Champagne Manor | Charlotte, North Carolina

In the world of timeless love stories, few moments hold as much significance and beauty as the day two souls intertwine their destinies in the sacred bond of matrimony. Capturing the love of LaDawn and William, two amazing individuals have have known for almost two decades, proved to be no different. Hosted at the modern wedding venue, Champagne Manor, located just 45 minutes from Uptown Charlotte, LaDawn and William wedding was just a ceremony, but a kaleidoscope of emotions. Witnessing a beautiful mix of tears and laughter to celebrate the extraordinary journey of these two individuals was truly a blessing.


While the wedding couple opted out of a first look, the team headed to the private lake, located right behind the countryside manor, where the ceremony and reception was being held. With the band playing as the bride walked down the aisle, the lake as the backdrop for the wedding ceremony was truly amazing to witness. Upon entering the tent covered reception area you were greeted with one of the most beautiful wedding cakes I have enjoyed in Charlotte, North Carolina. As the night progressed we walked around and revisited the lake to capture more intimate portraits of the bride and groom, with the sun setting behind them.

If interested in having my team document your wedding send us a message. I’m a Charlotte wedding photographer but my team and I love to travel the world documenting weddings. No matter where you are located, shoot us a message and we would love to chat about your once in a lifetime day. 

Wedding Details at Champagne Manor
Wedding Garter details at Champagne Manor Charlotte
Groom Photography at Champagne Manor Wedding Venue
Champagne Manor Wedding Photographer Charlotte NC
Champagne Manor Wedding Photography
Groom Wedding Photography
Groomsmen at Champagne Manor Wedding Photographer
Bridesmaid Photography at Champagne Manor
Bride getting ready shots Charlotte Wedding Photography
Bride Champagne Manor Wedding Photography
Bride down the aisle at Champagne Manor
Lake Wedding Photography at Champagne Manor
First Kiss Wedding Photography at Champagne Manor
Champagne Manor Wedding Venue North Carolina
Charlotte Wedding photography at Champagne Manor Wedding Venue
Under the veil wedding shot at Champagne Manor

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